Gods looks like Jesus. And that changes everything.

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The Beginning of Everything


My favorite character in the Christmas story is one who rarely shows up in pageants—an elderly man named Simeon. Simeon has spent his long decades of life waiting for the restoration of Israel. To be fair, so had many, many others before him...

Dance By Night


Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me won’t walk in darkness but will have the light of life” (John 8:12). Jesus spoke these famous words during the Festival of Tabernacles, one of three annual pilgrimage festivals in which...

The Fierce Love of God


The third in a three-part series of reflections on gifts and lessons that come from seasons of darkness… The love of God is different from mine. The darkness taught me this. One of my chief priorities in life is sparing people pain—especially those...

Gods looks like Jesus. And that changes everything.
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