The second in a three-part series of reflections on the gifts and lessons that come from seasons of darkness… What does it look like to honor God when you’re at the utter end of yourself? I thought about this question a lot during my last season of...
When the Lights Go Out
At least three times in my life, I’ve experienced seasons of particularly intense darkness. Two of these seasons were triggered by wrenching changes in circumstance. One fell seemingly without any external cause at all. I look back on these dark...
God’s Strange Economics
The book of Acts offers this provocative description of early Christian life: “All the believers were united and shared everything. They would sell pieces of property and possessions and distribute the proceeds to everyone who needed them. Every...
Dreaming Small
I used to dream of doing great things as a follower of Jesus—maybe even changing the world. It’s honestly pretty embarrassing, looking back on it, to realize how little I grasped the world’s complexity or the depth of my own weakness. I remember...
Impossible Forgiveness, part 2
Few teachings of Jesus are more mysterious and difficult than his words about forgiveness: “If you forgive others their sins, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you won’t forgive others, neither will your Father forgive your sins”...
IMpossible Forgiveness, part 1
Like virtually everyone I know, I’ve been watching the news these last few weeks with shock and grief. There seems to be no limit to the horrors human beings will inflict on each other. The world is full of impossible pain. Of course, to be aware of...
The Big Ten, Jesus-Style
To be perfectly honest, I don’t spend much time with the Big Ten (i.e. commandments) these days. I think long ago I just kind of mentally filed them under “basic,” together with first grade math and paint-by-number books. I mean, how hard is it...
who is not my neighbor? (Asking for a friend)
A religious expert comes up to Jesus and asks what he must do to gain eternal life. “What do you think?” Jesus asks. The man replies, “I think you must love God with all you are and love your neighbor as yourself.” “You nailed it,” says Jesus. The...
what i’ve learned about anger from jesus
Can I confess something? I’ve been feeling angry a lot lately. And I’m not the only one. As a pastor, I spend a lot of time my listening to people in all walks of life, religious and not. If I were asked to sum up in a phrase how we, collectively...