Gods looks like Jesus. And that changes everything.

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The Waiting Game


I hate waiting. My skin crawled with impatience in the coffee line this morning, even though there was nowhere I needed to be. Sometimes this feeling is what keeps me from praying. It’s not God’s wise “no” to my prayers that I dread most. It’s that...

Return to Sender


If you were to pinpoint the sin—the bad habit or hang-up, if you prefer—that is costing you the most, what would it be?  I’ve begun to suspect that the truest answer for most of us is one that rarely crosses our minds. I’ve been reading...

The Weight of Love


There is probably no teaching of Jesus more universally beloved than this little gem: “Come to me, all you who are struggling hard and carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest. Put on my yoke, and learn from me. I’m gentle and humble. And...

Gods looks like Jesus. And that changes everything.
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